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Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase
Deficiency (CSID)
and Starch in Foods
This information is being provided
for licensed physicians and dietitians treating and caring for patients
who have been diagnosed with CSID using a small bowel biopsy.
For the Physician and Dietician: These tables are based on gram weights of 100 grams per item, except for the Spice food composition table which is per tablespoon. All foods are raw unless specified and all foods are without added sucrose if dried or canned. All foods should be weighed on a gram calibrated scale not in ounces or pounds. This table does not calibrate differences for variety or region where produced. Foods with naturally occurring sucrose of less than 2 grams per 100 grams of food are generally reported by parents of Phenotypes A, B, C, D, E to be tolerated without the use of Sucraid or other enzyme replacement. Children of phenotype F, show signs of greater intolerance to sucrose and may require Sucraid or other enzyme replacement for all foods containing more than 1 gram per 100 grams of food. Some children may have results which differ from results our parents are reporting based on specific mutations. Children in phenotype A may be able to ingest very small amounts of starch if the physician or dietician determines some tolerance for starch after testing, we have not included starch or maltose in this table for phenotype A. A dietician or physician will have to determine the level of sucrose, lactose, starch and maltose tolerated for children in all mutation phenotypes as there are at least 30 identified genotypes. Parents report children in phenotype C can ingest starch at 40-to 50 grams per serving twice to three times per day. There appears to be both a load in the meal and in the day. Contrary to early medical articles found in peer reviewed journals which suggest all children with CSID outgrow their symptoms, following over 9000 infants, children and adults the parent support group, have only documented reports of improvement in starch digestion for mutations B and C reaching maximum improvement at age 3-1/2. We have no documented reports of improvement in sucrose digestion for any age group without the use of Sucraid or other enzyme replacement except phenotype C. Phenotype C children appear to have a relief of some symptoms beginning at middle school through college years, when some symptoms reoccur. These individuals have been misdiagnosed with other bowel disorders and upon returning to an appropriate diet find relief from their symptoms. Fruit and fruit juices should be ingested with other foods to avoid natural laxative effects. These tables do not identify other allergies or intolerances children may have due to other medical conditions. © CSIDINFO.Com Parent Support Group (1994-2014) |